Index of decimal numbers and numbers
0.00 Zero
0.01 Lowest number
0.01 One
0.10 Ten
0.99 Ninety nine
1.00 One
1.00 One
10.00 Ten
100.00 One hundred
1,000 One thousand
10,000 Ten thousand
100,000 One hundred thousand
1,000,000 One million
10,000,000 Ten million
100,000,000 One hundred million
1,000,000,000 One billion
10,000,000,000 Ten billion
100,000,000,000 One hundred billion
1,000,000,000,000 One trillion
10,000,000,000,000 Ten trillion
100,000,000,000,000 One hundred trillion
All decimal numbers that follow from one hundred trillion that are shown in a group order of one, ten and one hundred to the ascending numbers