Five thousand divided by twelve plus ten percent

Five thousand divided by 12
416.66 x12 is 4,999.92 then plus 1x 0.08 to equal 5,000

Five thousand plus ten percent
5,000 plus 10% (500) is 5,500

Five thousand plus 10% divided by 12
5,500 divided by 12 is 458.33 then 458.33 x 12 is 5,499.96 so add 0.04 to 5,499.96 to equal 5,500

Make 12 instalments to equal 5,500
11 x 458.33 is 5,041.63
1 x 458.37 is 458.37
5,041.63 + 458.37 is 5,500

Here is the calculation

Ten percent of five thousand is five hundred

Five thousand divided by twelve is 416.66 x12 is 4,999.92 then plus 1x 0.08 to equal 5,000

Five hundred divided by twelve is 41.66 x12 is 499.92 then plus 1x 0.08 to equal 500

Add the two division sums together for five thousand and five hundred then add the one times amount for each to total five thousand five hundred

416.66 plus 41.66 is 458.32

458.32 multiplied by twelve is 5499.84 plus 1 x0.08 is 5499.92 plus 1x 0.08 is 5,500 total

5,500 divided by 12

10 percent of 5,000 is 500 divided by 12 months is 41.66 to equal the number to 500 do 41.66 multiplied by 12 is 499.92 then minus 499.92 from 500 to get 0.08 to make 12 x 41.66 + 1 x 0.08 to equal 500 then to divide 5000 by 12 is 416.66 then to equal 5000 do 416.66 multiplied by 12 is 4999.92 then to equal 5,000 is 4999.92 minus 5,000 is 0.08 so 12 x 416.66 plus 1 x 0.08 is 5,000 then to add the 10% is 416.66 plus 41.66 is 458.32 x12 is 5,499.84 then add the missing 1 x 0.08 then add the other missing 0.08 to 5,499.84 to equal 5,500 in 12 months of 5,000 plus 10% increase.